Your Mission – should you choose to accept…

Design Brief

Logo Contest


Metroplex Data Systems


MDS (initials) with the Company Name, Metroplex Data Systems, incorporated in the design

About Us

Metroplex's Business Control System is built around software modules that can run in any combination, to provide a fully integrated system, tailored to your requirements. MDS has specialized in Office Coffee Service, Bottled Water and Vending Software for over 15 Years. Starting off primarily as an in-office sales tracking and accounting package, MDS has expanded into support of hand-held devices and e-Commerce. Our products run on the SCO Openserver platform that allows simultaneous multi-user processing and can act as the data server in local or distributed networks environments. MDS also offers complete system administration support services.

Clip Art Allowed


Contest Started

December 3, 2012 7:39 PM

Contest Ends

closed over 12 years ago