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CogNexus Group Logo
A logo for use with our website and on business cards. It should include the words "CogNexus Group"
CogNexus Group
A logo that is simple, corporate and modern and perhaps somewhat artsy yet serious. It does not need to be descriptive, but if it was, it might communicate ORDER FROM CHAOS, and or, RIGOROUS THINKING applied to COMPLEX PROBLEMS, and or REVEALING the DESIGN CONCEALED by the FOGGY EXTERIOR. A design that is edgy in a subtle way, or makes a strong post-modern statement. Colors should coordinate with all the blue in this "work in progress" website: (but the logo does not necessarily have to be blue). Please deliver in vector format as either an Illustrator or Photoshop file to be infinitely scalable.
Bright primary colors (e.g. the Google logo would not work for us).
The target audience is visionary senior leaders at technologies companies or electric utilities who are highly educated (e.g., Ph.D), sophisticated about technology, and willing to take risks to actually address the hard (often avoided) real issues their organization is facing. "CogNexus" is a mash-up of "cognition" and "nexus". Cognition is about understanding, and nexus is about location/intersection, so CogNexus signifies "shared understanding". Core principle: "Shared display creates shared understanding." We want to have the winning logo in a vector format. Please let us know if that will be a problem.
October 10, 2011 6:54 PM
closed over 13 years ago