Your Mission – should you choose to accept…

Design Brief

Logo Contest


Melissa Cunningham Life Coaching


I am looking for a logo design for my new business called Melissa Cunningham Life Coaching. I'm looking for a clean look and something that is legible. I have seen others businesses who use letters and they blend together and it hard to tell what it says.
I would be up to using my name of initials -MC in in somehow.
I would like to incorporate the color red if possible but I'm open to other colors. Words like: anxiety, empowerment, accountability, goals can be incorporated somehow if possible

About Us

New startup in Life Coaching - focusing mainly on anxiety, stress, goals, empowerment, accountability. Target audience - teens/young adults

Clip Art Allowed


Contest Started

May 16, 2022 6:15 AM

Contest Ends

closed over 2 years ago