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Design Brief

Logo Contest


Logo for Cyber Security Practice


Logo and possible tag line appropriate for branding and web site

Brand Name



Looking for a logo that is unobtrusive, can ride in the backgrounds of power points, can be a watermark, conveys high-tech and security.  Technically we are "Vocis LLC" and are channel partners with a company (Impact Technologies, and their colors are blue and gold.  We sell a product from a company (Global Velocity, and their colors are an orangy red and white.  We will be directing customers to those two web sites from our site and want a color scheme and design that doesn't clash.  We are open to anything....

About Us

We are a small company that is a channel partner for a much larger company.  The larger company provides us with product and tech support and we sell.

Clip Art Allowed


Contest Started

May 18, 2010 8:12 AM

Contest Ends

closed over 14 years ago