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Design Brief

Logo Contest


Construction company logo


need branding

Brand Name

Bolter Construction


I am looking for a logo to use on our website and business cards.  The logo can include our name but doesn't have to.  I want something to represent a strong contracting firm but still have a fun creative side... if thats possible. Tools are good, buildings are good, maybe a bolt or screw for the T in Bolter, if you use the name.

Don't Wants

I don't want the generic contractors looking at the sky or plans and nothing too cartoon like.

Other than that I am open to most ideas.  

About Us

We are a construction company based in San Francisco, operating in the greater San Francisco Bay area.  We do every thing from the smallest remodels and repairs to complete builds from the ground up.  We operate mostly in the residential market but have some commercial clients.

Clip Art Allowed


Contest Started

April 19, 2010 9:03 PM

Contest Ends

closed over 14 years ago