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Design Brief

Logo Contest


Arizona Distilling Co.


Timeless copper western design

Brand Name

Arizona Distilling Co.


I want a western logo but not too cheesy or looks like a cartoon. I want something that will be classy and timeless. Something that looks like it was created in the late 1800's but with a modern twist.

Don't Wants

No cartoons or cheese.


1. #7d2e09 I want a copper metallic look for our letters.
2. #000000 maybe a black background
3: #f7f4f5 with silver flourishes

About Us

We are the first homegrown micro-distillery in Arizona and we want to respresent our state with a classy logo. Almost like this company has existed for over 150 years.

Sample Image

Clip Art Allowed


Contest Started

May 14, 2012 2:37 AM

Contest Ends

closed over 12 years ago